Acceptance site

Sign up

Possibilities to receive data

Register via MyGS1 to sign up (receive data) for GS1 Data Source. When you sign up, indicate how you want to receive the product data. There are various options:

GS1 interface The GS1 interface is a web portal that allows you to easily select, check and download article data from GS1 Data Source. This interface is part of a GS1 Data Source customer subscription.
Own application (machine-to-machine (M2M)) You receive the data from GS1 Data Source and import it into an application developed in-house, which selects data relevant to your organisation. Machine-to-machine (M2M).
Solution of a solution provider There are solution providers who supply product information management (PIM) systems or other solutions that you can use to manage GS1 Data Source data flows. You can find them under solution providers.

If you want to use large amounts of data from different suppliers, choose option 2 or 3. Choose option 1 for more limited use. The output formats of the GS1 buyer interface are: JSON, Excel, GS1 GDSN XML and media (tiff, jpg, pdf, etc.).

GS1 interface

Everyone who signs up for a GS1 Data Source subscription gets access to the GS1 interface. With the interface, you can set up subscriptions to suppliers to receive their product data. After paying the invoice, you will receive the login details within a few days. Are you active in the healthcare sector? Then an account manager will contact you and you will first follow a webinar.

Do you use EDI?  

If you use EDI, then when you register fill in the GLN (buyer) that you also use in EDI message exchange with suppliers at the question: 'Do you have a GS1 address code (GLN)?'. If you already have a supplier account for GS1 Data Source, choose a different GLN. 

Machine-to-machine (M2M) connections:
Validations The platform has a validation engine that is called both in the interface and for M2M traffic. Articles that have a validation error cannot be published in either case.
XML files All users (both suppliers and buyers) can download XML files directly in the interface.
Target markets We divide target markets into 3 layers: Global, targetmarket dependent and trading partner dependent. The attributes in the so-called Global layer are only stored once and are therefore the same across all target markets. In the interface, the help button shows in which layer the relevant attribute is located. In the case of an update due to a CIN message, the last version sent is always leading.
Admin environment Every company has an admin environment where users can be added and/or deleted.

Choice of communication protocol

Do you choose to connect to GS1 Data Source for your own application or for an application from a software supplier? When you register, you should also indicate the communication protocol you wish to use to receive the data.