Acceptance site

International guideline for sharing product images

At the request of industries, we will adopt the international guideline for sharing product images via the GS1 data pool. This means we will switch to this guideline from 19 August. This makes it easier to share cross-border and cross-sector images and it offers more possibilities. Images taken according to the current Benelux guidelines remain valid. Read the FAQ.

When exchanging primary images (chapter 3) we recommend using TIFF being the highest quality format. As a supplier you are free to use other formats, while exchanging product images might this better cover the needs of your retailer.

Other allowed formats are: JPG, PNG, GIF

At least one high quality picture should be added to your product sheet. However, retailers may request several pictures to be added. Remember, as a supplier it is your product that is being sold and the chance of selling it is improved by the available data and pictures.

A packshot is a front elevation of the product with an angle of view of 0 degrees, as it would be displayed on the shop shelf. For packaged products, this means a photo of the packaging. 

No, we as GS1 facilitate the possibility to allow suppliers to upload a high quality picture in different image formats other than TIFF. We still recommend to use the TIFF format since it is the highest quality picture available, but we facilitate the option to do otherwise. A retailer can make the necessary agreements with its supplier to request one or another format.

Visuals should be centred in margins to cover 95% on the canvas.

With a file size between:

  • Primary images: 900x900 – 2400x2400
  • High resolution primary images: 2400x2400 – 4800x4800

We recommend using a 1:1 aspect ratio.

Some best practices according to the context where the picture can be used:

Digital: Any product images used for display on websites. This includes eCommerce web, eCommerce Mobile, Social Media, Influencer, Lifestyle, etc.
Formats: JPEG/PNG
Path/Background: Clipping path or transparent background (when supported by the format)

Planogram/Space planning: Any product images used for planogram or retail shelf space planning management. This includes Planogram and Shelf Tags
Path/Background: Clipping path or transparent background (when supported by the format)

Print Marketing: Any Product image used for print. This includes circulars, Product Catalogues, Free Standing Inserts, Coupons, Banners, Instore Signage, Sell Sheets, etc.
Path/Background: Clipping path or transparent background (when supported by the format)