Acceptance site

Current release information


There is an increasing demand for data, which is why we update (release) the data model a few times a year. Then, for example, we implement changes in validations, entry instructions, fields or codes.

Release November 2023

On 18 November 2023 is the next release of GDSN / GS1 Data Source. Here is what will change for the Netherlands in the healthcare sector.

Changes to validations for data medical devices:

  • Applications to consumer units only will be removed or replaced for base units only
  • Validation rule 500.422 is replaced by 500.492 (422 does remain valid in FMCG).
  • Code NOT_STERILISED is added to code list SterilisationTypeCode
  • Change in definition 'Type of sterilisation used by manufacturer' 
  • Change in instruction 'Type of sterilisation before use' 

Release May 2023

May 20 was a release of GDSN / GS1 Data Source. Here is what changed for the Netherlands in the healthcare sector.

Change in validations for data medical devices:

  • A new validation rule and eleven changes in validations

Change in attributes:

  • Change of two fields
    (realisation is automatic, but hospitals will have to adjust their connection accordingly)
  • Change to Dutch attribute name

New overview of validations:

  • The validation overview (NIEUW) for all sectors will be available alongside the existing overview validatieregels gezondheidszorg. This applies for the release in May, from the publication for the release in August there is only this new overview.

Datamodel Healthcare

The latest version of the GS1 Data model for the healthcare sector (3.1.23) is live.