Acceptance site

Product images/digital assets

For online consumers, products in webshops should be displayed as 'tangible' as possible and therefore at least one image is required  Without a standard format the exchange of photos between various parties would be inefficient. The same counts for other kinds of digital assets.

Adoption of the international guideline for sharing product images per 19 August 2023

At the request of industries, we will adopt the international guideline for sharing product images via the GS1 data pool. This means we will switch to this guideline from 19 August. This makes it easier to share cross-border and cross-sector images and it offers more possibilities. Images taken according to the current Benelux guidelines remain valid. Read the FAQ.


Guidelines have been established for creating and exchanging images between trade partners. This concerns colour and quality, specifications and file names. You find these guidelines below. 

New service: quality check in GS1 Data Source

Since 29 August 2022, we automatically check the quality of product images in GS1 Data Source for the Food, Health and Beauty industry once every quarter. And if you publish or republish an article including a photo, we will also check the quality in the meantime. This new service is free of charge. According to the guidelines, we check the presence of a product image and the correctness of the file name. You will find the results in the section 'data quality' in MyGS1.


Specifically for DIY, Garden & Pet

The GS1 guidelines for digital assets state which other digital assets companies can share and which attributes you can use for this.