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Getting started in Garden & Pet

Getting started in Garden & Pet - Online Shoppen Tuin
Retailers Aveve, BijSTOX, BTC-Retail, GRS Services, IJsvogel Retail, Intratuin, Malanico, Tuincentrum Osdorp, Vijver- en Tuincentrum Pelckmans, Prickels, Ranzijn, are all asking their suppliers to share product data with them via the GS1 data pool from 31 December 2023. 

What do retailers ask of you?

They expect you to share the following with them by 31 December 2023:

  1. Via the GS1 data pool: product data of consumer units as well as trade units and at least 1 product image if the product is sold online.
  2. Via Excel: purchase prices and conditions via the GS1 price message (GS1 Prijsbericht).

What can you expect from retailers?

From 31 December 2023:

  1. No more requests to fill in individual Excel files.
  2. Same standard for price information: GS1 Excel price message.

How does the GS1 datapool work?

Via de GS1 datapool (GS1 Data Source) suppliers can share reliable product information: to ensure correct information for consumers, logistics and to comply with legislation. Watch the video (in Dutch)

Useful information

Check out our knowledge base for information on what data to enter. You can also always contact GS1 at