Acceptance site

Packaging information

Via GS1 Data Source, you share packaging information with customers. Suppliers decide themselves whether to provide the information and coordinate this with their customers. Customers can make sharing mandatory and use the data for e.g. waste processing or to meet legal requirements. Of packaging articles/reusable articles you do not share data, for example: CBL crates and pallets.

Entering packaging information

See in the data model what data you enter where. 

Getting started in 7 steps

Repeat the steps below for each packaging level (consumer unit, trade unit, etc.) in GS1 Data Source.


Determine the packaging type of the main packaging element and the other elements

Choose a code from the list of packaging types. If a product consists of several packaging elements, all other packaging elements (except the main element) are given the code 'PUG' (= no specification).

Note! There may be several main packaging elements. For example, a tube of toothpaste in a cardboard box. Enter a packaging type code for both main packaging elements: Tube = 'TU' and box = 'BX'. The lid of the tube is an other packaging element and is given the code 'PUG'. An exception: bottle caps that are made of the same material as the bottle (e.g. PET) give the code (packagingTypeCode): 'BO'.


Indicate the packing level of each packing element

Use the field '.......' and specify the level of packaging:

1 = Primary: packaging developed as a single consumer sales unit. This is the packaging level you have designated as 'BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH' or 'PACK_OR_INNER_PACK'. Multipacks (e.g. a six-pack) are also given packaging level 1.
2 = Secondary: this is a grouping of several primary packs. Often this is a trade unit or ombox (denoted by 'CASE').
3 = Tertiary: packaging for transporting sales units. Often this is the pallet level (denoted by 'PALLET').


Describe the packaging elements

Provide a description of each packaging element in the field 'Packaging type description' (packagingTypeDescription). Example: 'PET bottle', 'HDPE cap', 'plastic wrap'.


Name all materials

Enter the material that the packaging element consists of. Use the field 'Packaging material type code' (packagingMaterialTypeCode) to do so. Is no code for the material available? Then use the code '.._OTHER' and report this to us so we can add the code.


Note! If a packaging element consists of composite materials, proceed differently:

  • Enter 'COMPOSITE' in the field 'Packaging material type code' (packagingMaterialTypeCode).
  • Enter which materials the composite packaging element consists of in the field 'Composite material detail packaging material type code' (packagingMaterialTypeCode). You can repeat this field.

Drinks cartons are an exception:

  • Enter 'LAMINATED_CARTON' in the field 'Packaging material type code' (packagingMaterialTypeCode).
  • Enter which materials the composite packaging element consists of in the field 'Composite material detail packaging material type code' (packagingMaterialTypeCode). You can repeat this field.

Enter the weight

For each material type, enter the weight in the field Packaging material quantity (packagingMaterialCompositionQuantity) plus the unit of measure. Enter the quantity as accurately as possible.

If the packaging element consists of composite packaging material, use the field 'Composite material detail packaging material composition quantity' (packagingMaterialCompositionQuantity) plus the unit of measure for the weight of these materials.


Indicate percentage of recycled material and/or percentage of material of biological origin

Use the fields 'Packaging raw material code' (packagingRawMaterialCode) and 'Packaging raw material content percentage' (packagingRawMaterialContentPercentage) to indicate what percentage of the packaging material consists of recycled material and/or material of biological origin. Please indicate this for each packaging material.


Add additional information for Glass, Aluminium and PET

For some materials, add additional information or proceed differently from the above:

  • If you select the code 'GLASS' or 'GLASS_COLOURED' in the field 'Packaging material type code' (packagingMaterialTypeCode), you also indicate whether the glass is recoverable. You do this in the field Is packaging material recoverable' (isPackagingMaterialRecoverable) by choosing 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
  • If you select the code 'METAL_ALUMINUM' in the field 'Packaging material type code' (packagingMaterialTypeCode), you also specify the thickness of the material in the field 'Packaging material thickness' (packagingMaterialThickness). You only use these codes if the packaging material consists of more than 50% steel or aluminium by weight.
  • Use the field 'Composite material detail packaging material thickness' (packagingMaterialThickness) if aluminium is a component of a composite packaging material.
  • If you use the code 'POLYMER_PET' in the field 'Packaging material type code' (packagingMaterialTypeCode), also specify the material's translucency/colour in the field 'Packaging material colour code reference' (packagingMaterialColourCodeReference).
    • To do so, choose one of the following values: