Acceptance site

When is a new GTIN required?

A new GTIN is required if...

Sometimes products change, for example the packaging, the recipe, or a new marketing claim comes on the label. When is a new code (GTIN) required and when is it not?

It is a new product

You assign a new item code if a product does not yet exist or has not yet been on sale.

Change to an existing product

If something changes to the characteristics of an existing product, you only assign a new article code if at least one of these three guidelines applies:

  1. Can consumers and/or trading partners distinguish the changed product from the current product?
  2. Is there a legal/compulsory obligation to provide consumers and/or trading partners with information?
  3. Are there consequences for the chain? For example, on how the product is shipped, stored or received.

GS1 Decision Support Tool

Use this tool to determine whether you need to assign a new article code/GTIN.

Do I need a new GTIN?

Overview of all rules

The 'Global Trade Item Number Management Standard' helps to make the right choices in the use and management of article codes. As it is an international identification standard, we refer to the site of GS1 Global Office.