Acceptance site
2023 03 GS1 2909

Do-It-Yourself, Garden & Pet

Satisfied customers, increased turnover, efficient logistics processes and compliance with legislation

Consumers and governments demand more and better product information and companies need to work more and more efficiently. We help companies meet the growing information needs for an efficient and sustainable supply chain.

With GS1, you can work on:


The right product data for consumers, logistics and legislation

With good product data and photos, you can offer the right products: online and in shops. And product data are also essential for logistics processes and to comply with legislation.


QR code: the all-in-one code

Communicating directly with consumers with a smart barcode on the packaging. With GS1's QR code, you can get instant access to all kinds of reliable information and personalised experiences.


Legislation and sustainability

The government, supply chain partners and consumers are making increasing demands on companies and on product information. This could be about product safety, packaging or sustainability.

GS1 works together

To ensure that what GS1 does matches the needs of companies in the sector, we agree with them on how GS1 products and services can be deployed.

Input from representatives of manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers determines what we develop, offer and maintain.

Want to know more?

Need advice or help using the GS1 solutions? Our account managers will be happy to help.