Acceptance site

GS1 Data SelfCheck

Data quality in-house

With GS1 Data SelfCheck, you ensure reliable article data in GS1 Data Source yourself, making checks by an external party unnecessary.

Sharing quality product data with customers

You ensure that the data you share with customers is correct, complete and up to date at once.

Faster time-to-market of products

Because you don't have to have your data checked, you can get products to market faster.

Saving costs

Product checks are no longer necessary. In addition, you save on repair costs because you enter data correctly at once.

Securing data quality in-house also ensures that you:

  • Work more efficiently by recording and checking product data yourself
  • Meet the guidelines of the data quality programme for the sector Food, Health & Beauty
  • Be ready for future legislation and regulations (packaging, Digital Product Passport, ESG)
  • Make reliable data a part of daily operations
  • Monitor own data quality more easily
  • Increase knowledge of GS1 standards and guidelines within your organisation

For who?

For organisations that:

  • Regularly make changes to product data or introduce new products.
  • Want to work structurally on product data quality themselves. And can free up time and hands to do so.
  • Have or want to have the right materials and systems in place to deal with data quality.
  • Already collect data on their products.
  • Already weigh or measure products or want to start doing so.

How does it work?

You go through a certification process for logistics and/or label information. After completing this, you will receive a GS1 Quality Mark. You then get to work sharing article data with buyers!

Terms and rates

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