Acceptance site

GS1 Data Link

Label information from GS1 Data Source

The (label) data from GS1 Data Source is also available to 'third' parties. You can use up-to-date label data via GS1 Data Link through a direct connection.

Direct connection

Through an API you get a direct connection to the GS1 data pool to get label information into your own system.

Make better use of product information

This way, suppliers can provide their customers and other parties with product information without having to publish directly to those parties.


The use of this data is subject to specific conditions, for example, about keeping data up-to-date.

What information is concerned?

It concerns label information fields (plus additional fields for identification) of consumer units. It is data from GS1 member suppliers and brand owners, except data from companies that have requested an opt-out for a specific batch and data from private labels.

How does it work?

  • If a new party wants to have access to data via GS1 Data Link and meets all the requirements, GS1 informs its participants. We then explain what the party wants to use the data for.
  • If suppliers do not want their data to be used, they can opt out of the use of data by the party in question. It is always possible to change the choice later.
  • If a supplier does not do this, we make the data available.
  • GS1 can make label information published to GS1 Netherlands (data quality checker) available to third parties via a direct connection. Data does not then need to be published directly to them.

Conditions and fees